Exit Your Way: Thriving While Making a Challenging Career Transition

In this week’s The Faces of Business Episode, our guest speaker was Dr. Donna Marino. Donna is the President of Donna Marino PsyD, Executive and Leadership Coaching. She has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology as well.  Dr. Donna helps business executives and owners make a challenging career transition like selling a business, changing industries. or simply finding new executive positions.  

Career transition is one of the most crucial issues of today. Every person who faces this can have a very challenging experience. This is why learning how to better make a challenging career transition is necessary to long term success.

In this week’s The Faces of Business Episode, our guest speaker was Dr. Donna Marino. Donna is the President of Donna Marino PsyD, Executive and Leadership Coaching. She has a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology as well. Dr. Donna helps business executives and owners make a challenging career transition like selling a business, changing industries. or simply finding new executive positions.

Starting her conversation, Donna shared how she started her professional career. At first, she worked as a child psychologist. Then, later on, she wanted to go towards a greater path. This is when Donna moves towards other coaching services and went on to positive psychology.

Donna said that instead of working on the pathological issues, she started working on the people who were already successful and thriving in the real world. Moving on, Donna said that when a person is who is used to thriving is making a challenging career transition, they tend to have empty spaces in their lives which they don’t know how to fill.

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Moreover, when they can’t fill these empty spaces, they move towards depression. This is why they always need something to fill those spaces. Further, into the conversation, Donna talked about imposter syndrome and how it takes over people.

According to her, when a person is making a challenging career transition, this syndrome usually takes over them. This is where Donna said that she asks her clients to make a list of all the things they’ve achieved in life big or small.

This helps them realize their potential and gets them through with making a challenging career transition. Adding to this, Donna said that people who are high achievers are actually great at listening or following orders.

Do you want to know if your business is ready for your exit or what you should do to prepare? Learn this and more with our business exit assessment here.

Therefore, according to her, it is easier to help these people in making a challenging career transition. By the end of the conversation, Damon asked Donna about what one view she thinks that people have wrong about their retirement phase.

To this, Donna said that usually, people have this glamorized view about retirement. However, for high achievers, it’s like pulling the rug from under them. They always need a plan and when they don’t have it, they feel stressed and anxious.

Therefore, according to Donna talking about these things beforehand will help a lot in making a challenging career transition.


The Modern Independent


“Managing Stress and Burnout as a Leader” with Dr. Donna Marino - FEI Chicago